Thursday, August 8, 2019

Relationship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Relationship - Essay Example At only about two months, Fudgee stood out among the rest of the litters due to her remarkable talent: she could climb two flights of averaged-stepped residential stairs just to be with me. From the first time she climbed such a formidable task as a young pup, my affection has been directed to her. Fudgee had such notably noticeable facial expression as a young pup. She would look at you as if always begging for mercy. Her cute little eyes are virtually obliterated from the shaggy and unruly hair. She opens her mouth to show the tiny red tongue while unceasingly wagging her tail. When confined to a pet cage with her siblings, I noticed early on that whenever I would come out from my room and pass by, she is the only one awake, staring at me – as if there was no sleepy bone in her being. I recognized then, that there must be something special about this pup. I observed this when I work on my special place at home. I usually spend my leisure time at a loft overlooking our houseà ¢â‚¬â„¢s terrace where my laptop is strategically situated. As soon as I start to climb the stairs, Fudgee is right behind me. She would snuggle comfortably at my feet while I navigate the Internet for email messages or respond to comments from friends at my Facebook page.

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