Friday, August 9, 2019

Cross Cultural (Intercultural) Management Skills Essay

Cross Cultural (Intercultural) Management Skills - Essay Example Knowledge management is the systematic application of knowledge to improve companies’ performance through facilitating inter-organizational informational sharing and experience. Breiden, Mohr and Mirza (2005 p.15) say that cultural knowledge management competency can therefore help solve management problem. Some of the tasks which are included here are interactive translation, developing participative competence, cross cultural networking, creation of collaborative atmosphere and finally developing of a participative competence. For instance, when French speaking expatriate working for the United Nations is send to South America there he/she will find totally different cultures in terms of language and the kind of food people eat. It calls for ability and readiness to learn and appreciate that other cultures are also important.Building positive relationships with others is a very important skill. It is advisable to develop relationships with locals and colleagues through relat ional skills development as opposed to being solely task oriented. One should be an all rounded person who is not self centered with possession of social orientation and social adroitness with superb skills in solving disputes, cooperating with friends and affiliates, unlike majoring in work competition and performance excluding the social life. For example, when one is from a Western nation and goes to work in India, it is advisable to participate in some of their services so that they can feel that you are part of them.

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