Monday, September 30, 2019
How can drama help shy students gain more confidence Essay
How can drama help shy students gain more confidence? 1) Studying drama at school can be a positive, life-enhancing experience for children. It can improve confidence and help to combat (ÃŽ ºÃŽ ±Ã„Î ±Ã€Î ¿ÃŽ »ÃŽ µÃŽ ¼ÃŽ ®ÃÆ'ÃŽ ¿Ã…Î ½) shyness, which many young children struggle with. However, many claim that if performing is taken too seriously it can make children too competitive, stressed and diminish (ÃŽ ¼ÃŽ µÃŽ ¹ÃŽÎ ½ÃŽ µÃŽ ¹) their confidence if they are not successful. This could make them less likely to thrive in (ÃŽ µÃ…Î ´ÃŽ ¿ÃŽ ºÃŽ ¹ÃŽ ¼ÃŽ ®ÃÆ'ÃŽ ¿Ã…Î ½ ÃÆ'ÃŽ µ) social interactions with school friends and work colleagues later on in life. 2) Confidence is vital for young people who need to excel (ÅÀΠµÃ ÄΠµÃ ÃŽ) in higher education and in the workplace. One way children can improve their confidence is to study drama at school, as it can help combat shyness and help to develop social skills. Drama can improve a child’s confidence because once they get used to performing in front of an audience, they will feel more able to speak out in other social situations. 3) Studying drama enables children to relax and have fun in social settings, which is vital for improving confidence. It also provides a perfect setting for children to make friends as they will have to work together in a team, which calls for increased communication. Children can then foster (ÃŽ µÃŽ ½ÃŽ ¹ÃÆ'Çà ÃÆ'ÃŽ ¿Ã…Î ½) these relationships outside of the classroom. On the other hand, drama increases competition in children and serves to diminish their confidence if they are not successful. Drama is a competitive subject because children will compete for the best roles. This can lead to children becoming overly competitive with their peers and stressed if they fail to win a role they wanted. This failure can also make a child feel rejected and worthless and could damage their self-esteem (ÃŽ ±Ã…ÄΠ¿ÃŽ µÃŽ ºÃ„Î ¯ÃŽ ¼ÃŽ ·ÃÆ'ÃŽ ·) and confidence THROUGH DRAMA A STUDENT CAN become another – explore a new role – try out and experiment with various personal choices Drama allows students to communicate with and understand others in new ways. are less likely to have difficulty SPEAKING IN PUBLIC will be more PERSUASIVE in their communications will be better able to put themselves into others’ shoes and will have a more POSITIVE, CONFIDENT SELF IMAGE. Participation in Dramatic activity requires SELF CONTROL and DISCIPLINE Students in Drama will learn to WORK TOGETHER, to cooperate Are practical lessons just as important as theoretical lessons? How important is it for students to learn life skills at school? Education should be skill based rather than knowledge based. Knowledge is of no use without a skill to apply it. A student can get a good knowledge by just reading but skill to apply the knowledge can only be achieved by practice. Skill based education is better as it is useless if we have knowledge but do not have the skill to apply it and fulfill our goal. Many people are knowledgeable but if they are skilled as well , they can get employment and have a good life but if we only have knowledge its useless without a skill to apply it Some schools have debate and public speaking clubs and classes. In your opinion, how important is it for students to take part in activities like these? Debating skills raise children’s confidence and self-esteem, and it has to start early. Teachers need to work smarter. Using students’ natural talent of arguing and challenging authority, we can channel (ÃŽ ´ÃŽ ¹ÃŽ ¿Ã‡Î µÃ„Î µÃ ÃÆ'ÃŽ ¿Ã…Î ¼ÃŽ µ) student energy into a positive learning assignment (Äà ÃÅ'ÀΠ¿ ÃŽ µÃŽ ºÃŽ ¼ÃŽ ¬ÃŽ ¸ÃŽ ·ÃÆ'ÃŽ ·Ã‚). Debates offer that natural way for teachers to facilitate (ÃŽ ´ÃŽ ¹ÃŽ µÃ…Î ºÃŽ ¿ÃŽ »Ã ÃŽ ½ÃŽ ¿Ã…Î ½) analytical thinking. Classroom debates enable students to work cooperatively, brainstorm ideas, develop vocabulary and read to support an opinion. Students are taking notes to summarize, to question, and to clarify (ÃŽ ´ÃŽ ¹ÃŽ µÃ…Î ºÃ ÃŽ ¹ÃŽ ½ÃŽ ¯ÃŽ ¶ÃŽ ¿Ã…Î ½)information. Students are identifying the main idea, deleting less important information, categorizing, and labeling information. Questioning allows students to explain and to explore additional facts for clarification purposes. These comprehension skills are essential for students to become competent readers and writers linking debates directly to the entire curriculum.Debates allow students to become more proficient in speaking, researching, reading, and writing skills, and they promote reasoning as well as communication skills. I believe that public speaking and drama should be compulsory in schools, because it would benefit the confidence and self-esteem of young people.Drama and Speaking provides confidence, ability to express opinio ns and beliefs.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Magnet designation: What does it mean for me? Essay
Magnet designation â€Å"recognizes health care organizations for quality patient care, nursing excellence and innovations in professional nursing practice.†(AACN, 2014). As a nurse going through this process in one of the facilities I work at, It means mire education and accountability. I only work Per Diem at this facility but have to chair on one of the nursing committees, I have to have a certification in my specialty and also a bachelors degree in 5 years of starting my employment or I am terminated as an employee(yes contract was signed or no employment). This has increased my educational requirements and time requirements for this facility. I am on the employee recognition committee and as an employee that works long hours in an emergency room this committee is actually very important. Many feel that this is the â€Å"party†committee but we are more than that. We recognize the employees that don’t often get recognized for all their hard work. As an employee that rarely gets recognized I realized that this is important to our health and care of the patients. I work hard but as a per diem employee I often get left unrecognized. I have large shoulders and can bear that brunt because I know my nursing care is excellent, my patients are taken care of and if they cant remember my name that is ok. Sometimes its the ones that you butt heads with and they complain from the time they set foot in the door that remember your name-thats ok also because it means that you made an impression on them- sometimes good sometimes not so good. We don’t always recognize the same people over and over we try to disperse the compliments and recognize not just nurses but also ancillary staff as they make up our hospital also. As a committee we celebrate monthly birthdays and try to correlate outings into volunteer fun days. These can be hard to correlate with schedules but we use baseball games for BP checks and fair days for health screenings. It has brought our department and our hospital closer to magnet status. The magnet program has three goals or principles: †¢Promote quality in a setting that supports professional practice †¢Identify excellence in the delivery of nursing services to patients/residents †¢Disseminate best practices in nursing services. This is achieved by increasing employee satisfaction and education through training and education. The benefits of magnet status are that the hospital designated will attract and retain top talent, improve care, safety and satisfaction, foster a collaborative culture and advance nursing standards and practice, and grow business and financial success. Shared governance is a way of incorporating all those goals. on other shared governance teams they look at certain aspects of care that we can improve such as lift teams, rapid response teams, specific equipment to help decrease our fall rates and also employee injuries. These teams are made up of management and floor nurses along with the CNO/CEO/CFO. we all have an input into what needs to be changed and how we are going to change the need. Along with the education that is needed to make that change. I have enjoyed the education that has come with attaining our magnet status. The hospital that I am at does not have JCHAO but we have DNV-Det Norske Veritas. â€Å"DNV works with national healthcare authorities and healthcare providers around the world to effectively manage risk and improve healthcare delivery. Our team of healthcare and risk management specialists has an innovative, advanced approach to help healthcare providers globally in identifying, assessing and managing risk, enhancing patient safety and quality, while ensuring sustainable business practice.†(DNV, 2013) They come yearly and assess our facility, we actually learn from this yearly visit and am not rushing to ‘clean and organize a facility for an upcoming visit from joint commissions’. The DNV has increased patient safety and quality along with helping us get accredited, and reduce infection risk. The DNV is an ISO9001 program and has certified many agencies around the world and is designated as the best in healthcare and proactively manages risks and best practices. Our sister hospital Norfolk General has been redesignated as a Magnet facility and all but our 1 stand alone facility are heading to magnet status. For me Magnet status is an achievable goal for many facilities and designates the best nursing practice, and higher retention and nursing satisfaction. References: ANCC MAGNET RECOGNITION PROGRAM. (2014, January 1). . Retrieved July 26, 2014, from DNV:Managing Risk:Healthcare. (2013, January 1). . Retrieved July 25, 2014, from
Saturday, September 28, 2019
All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarche
In the writer Erich Maria Remarque's novel All Silence of the Western Battlefield, the writer expresses his view through Paul of the hero. Paul is also a narrator to explain all the physical and emotional experiences of the struggle against the First World War. When Paul and some of his classmates took part in the war they were very enthusiastic as they believed that they were going to be purely for honor. But throughout the novel, Paul and his friends began to realize that this is indeed fear and sorrow. All the quiet Erich Maria Remarque of the Western Front was written and written in Germany during the First World War. At the moment, the attitude of war is that it is the glory, the picture of the most heroic death that anyone can have. However, quiet on the Western Front is an anti-war novel that shows the truth and reality of war. This book is banned by the German government and seems to be read and trusted by young people. During the Cold War, John F. Kennedy said: Before the en d of the war, mankind must end the war. The destruction caused by World War I (Remarque 1982) After that, Erich M. Remarque was in his pioneering work. Total silence of the Western Front is trying to spread this pacifist message and anti-war sentiment. This new type of war has been left behind as the greatest and most technically advanced deadly war at that time. The literary progress of all quiet Erich Maria Remarque in front of the west and All Quiet in the west front explains the two stories. It meticulously paid attention to the soldiers' ideas in World War I and detailed the fear of all wars; each story is not only a soldier's independent experience, but also a new appearance of the fight But there are. This war was seen through the eyes of Paul Bowmer, and his way of thinking was better developed than his comrade. His true silence about the symbol of the West, images, and fables - in this book we heard the word young man of iron which was used to represent Paul's generation. I ron youth is the ideal of a strong patriotic group of the motherland, they fight to fight to proud Germany and its history. The writer and character in the book tore this ideal compared to the reality of war, I feel the sky that it is useless. These young soldiers are not iron
Friday, September 27, 2019
Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 111
Discussion - Essay Example Koch (2005) states that the solution to this problem is fairly simple. Open source technology must be supplement with vendor cost specifications. Java and Oracle 11g are two prime examples of this. They allow organizations to use free components of technology but also charge a cost for vendor specific solutions. Vendor specific solutions are much easier to use and require little or no knowledge of scripting.  MySQL and PHP are examples of applications that have resulted from the open source development process. Furthermore, open source has been around and no correlations has been linked that dictates that developers’ rates have gone down. In essence, modifying code is still a rare skills that developers can thrive off. It is evident that the public actually profits from using open source products, because using them can provide competition for proprietary software companies. It can also be used as a supplement in which the public can truly benefit from. Furthermore, Kock (2005) insists that Open source development should be propagated for because of cost implications, customization, and developing new technologies. It does not harm analysts and developers because those skills are still specialized skills. "Five ways to bring a more social, open development environment to your company |" How to get a more open development environment at work. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Aug. 2014.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Aristotle view on Antigone Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Aristotle view on Antigone - Essay Example Creon utilizes the privileges and power bestowed on a king to the fullest by imposing his wishes. His power is not questionable as he is in command of both the elders and the sentries. His subjects respect him and his decisions. As a result of the power that the king enjoys in the play, he is pivotal in developing of the plot. He is the piece that puts all the other pieces together. All the characters in the story directly relates to him in one way or the other. For instance, his relationship with Antigone arises when she chooses to go against his wish to punish her brother, Polyneices. Instead, she chooses to bury him also lets everyone know about it. The disobedience and punishment the king gives her help create the inventive moment of the play. He is also the focal point in the climax of the story when the king’s punishment to Antigone is questioned as well his suitability to lead Thebes. At this stage, of the play conflict arises between Creon and his son, Haemon because o f the punishment on Antigone and her sister, Ismene. The king is also the focal point at the end of the play as he loses his wife and son to suicides all as a result of his actions at the beginning of the story. Another important condition that the protagonist should fulfill to qualify as a tragedy is to be subject of unmerited misfortune. ... The unawareness is evident from his decision to free Antigone when the prophet informs him of the consequences of his actions. Creon’s decision to punish Polyneices’ actions by having his body abandoned in the battlefields brings rage to Antigone. In her dialogue with her sister, she claims that the king fails to show respect to the dead who have more power than any living soul. It is this rage that leads her to bury her brother. The king also responds with equal proportion of rage feeling disobeyed and chooses to punish her with death. Every action the king takes leads to situation degenerating further. His actions are responsible for the death of Antigone, his son and wife. The play creates fear in two ways. First, there is the fear of the king because of the powers he has at his disposal. The discovery that the king has the power to have his servants bury a person while alive creates fear within the audience. The fact that the victim in this case is Antigone, the for mer king’s daughter helps worsen the fear. In the audience’s view, it can happen to anyone among them if it can happen to Antigone. The other cause of fear is the tragedy that befell the king. From the tragedy, the audience understands that every action they undertake has consequences. The fact that the king’s actions haunt him at the end of the play despite his power and authority only helps worsen the fear in the audience. From the tragedy, several conclusions can be made on the Greek’s way of life. First, the Greeks respected their rulers and their word was as strong as any law in their territories. Also, any disrespect towards the king was met with the harshest punishment that the king chose. The king also had the power to
Polarization as a Barrier to Effective Crisis Negotiation Essay
Polarization as a Barrier to Effective Crisis Negotiation - Essay Example ellow participant in an argument as â€Å"the other†or as something of an antagonist rather than an equal shareholder in the process and something that is quite actually neutral. Similarly, when dealing with a given situation, it is common for me to assume that the self-interested motives of others will be the sole determinant in helping to determine the way that the engagement plays out. Thirdly, rather than being able to see the situation in shades of nuance and shades of gray, or even shades of right or wrong, I am oftentimes tempted to view it from a perspective of fulfilling my own needs; regardless of whether it is able to do the same for the fellow shareholder. Although fulfilling my own needs within the given circumstance is not bad in and of itself, it is a selfish motive that helps to drive the integration apart. Fourthly, with regards to a polarizing situation regarding communication, it is often my weakness to seek to link to the speaker and the message. This is a n oversight due to the fact that it assumes that these two are necessarily the same (Medvec 389). Moreover, a better approach would be to seek to focus upon the message without polarizing it and seeking to have it intimately related to the original speaker or his/her own vantage point. Lastly, and perhaps most specifically, I oftentimes attempt to polarize situations into firmly determinant shades of good/bad/right/wrong etc. These levels of polarization serve to lessen my ability to analyze and draw inference from a number of situations; it ultimately weakens my skill in interpreting the world around me. As a function of these 5 polarizations that have been listed, the most effective way to engage them is to seek to lessen the effect that they play on my everyday life and as a means of understanding them, seek to work to overcome them. Furthermore, by approaching the above situations with an open mind and thoroughly focusing upon not developing preconceived perceptions of the
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Business Related Topic (see page 9 on attachment) Case Study
Business Related Topic (see page 9 on attachment) - Case Study Example Recognizing that the financial analysis will be maximized by more data, it uses 2005 as a comparative year for 2006. Lastly, this paper will also compare the financial data and ratios of British Airways Plc, its key competitors, and industry through a benchmarking analysis. The report concludes with the identification of the airline's financial strengths and weakness. The British airline is rapidly evolving due to external environmental forces. The industry has been faced with a dismal outlook with the onset of economic downturn in the world led by the business cycle in the United States (Sorensen 2006). Furthermore, the emergence of low cost carriers in the European airline industry is a living example of how the strategic directions of business organisations are strongly affected by the changes, trends, and developments and their external environment. It is apparent that the European airline industry has progressed from being dominated by large, business class air carriers to one which is increasingly controlled by the proliferation of low cost airlines (Sorensen 2006). The wide popularity and acceptance of budget air travel puts pressure on large carriers like British Airways (BA) Plc. to implement more aggressive market strategies in order to compete in the marketplace. With this backdrop, it has been expected that the performance of business class air carriers like BA have declined while budget airlines take center stage. This, in turn, is expected to be reflected in the financial performance of the business organization. Financial analysis has become one of the most popular techniques utilized in order to ascertain the health and well being of a business organization. Financial analysis enables decision makers to uncover trends in business performance and compare different business organizations (Keown, et. al 2005). In line with this, it becomes important to analyse the financial situation of the BA in order to understand how it copes with its weaknesses and faces various threats. 2.1. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Based on its annual reports, its key competitors, and the whole airline industry, this report generally intends to examine the financial situation of British Airways Plc. This report aims to accomplish the following objectives: 1. Determine the trend of growth of BA's key income statement and balance sheet accounts; 2. Evaluate the performance of BA in terms of profitability, liquidity, solvency, and financial leverage through the use of financial ratio analysis; 3. Compare the performance of BA with its main competitor by benchmarking; and 4. Reveal the business organization's areas of financial strengths and weakness. 2.2. RESEARCH QUESTION Based on the aforementioned research aims and objectives, the research question in consideration can be adequately stated as follows: What is the general assessment on British Airways
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Who you feel is a public speaker Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Who you feel is a public speaker - Term Paper Example Charles Krauthammer, the famous orator in America, can similarly be considered as an apt example for contemporary effective public speakers. The five elements involved in effective public speaking are, â€Å"who is saying what to whom using what medium with what effects?†(The Definition of Public Speaking). If one is using these elements effectively in his speaking he is most likely to establish himself as a successful public speaker, so is the case of Charles. For Jaffe, â€Å"public speaking occurs when one person prepares and delivers a speech for a group that listens, generally without interrupting the speaker’s flow of ideas†( Jaffe 1). In the case of Charles in America, his words were highly valued by the American people and so he may be ranked in the category of famous speakers. Various reasons force a person to speak before the public. Earlier public speaking was considered to be the only source to spread pieces of information among the people. For instance, in the Catholic churches this was very well made use to spread the gospel. As the years passed by speakers used this medium for many purposes. It may be either to pass information or to amuse the audience, or to follow the ideals of the speaker. In the modern world public speaking has been proved to be an indispensable factor in politics, religion, policies, entertainment programs, and the like. Whatever be the purpose, the speaker, Charles takes great roles to work upon. His views on science and politics have received the attention of many. For him â€Å"Science has everything to say about what is possible. Science has nothing to say about what is permissible†and on politics†and he considers Obama as a leveller who â€Å"has come to narrow the divide between rich and poor. For him the ultimate social value is fairness. Imposing it upon the American social order is
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Celebrating Thanksgiving in America Annotated Bibliography
Celebrating Thanksgiving in America - Annotated Bibliography Example This web article was authored by David Barton. The source provides a detailed historical background to the Thanksgiving Day as celebrated in America today. The source relies on several primary sources to bring to life the events that led to the institution of the last Thursday of November as a public holiday and national day of celebration. According to the author, the celebration of Thanksgiving in America is a tradition that was introduced by European Americans more than four centuries ago. Barton notes that Thanksgiving Day traces its history to the arrival of the pilgrims from England to the New England. He notes that Thanksgiving Day is not only a day to celebrate by feasting but is dedicated to giving thanks to God for His blessings. According to the source, the first congressional resolution for the institution of Thanksgiving Day as a federal holiday was declared by President George Washington in 1789. The president declared November 26, 1789, as a holiday. In this book, Colman seeks to explore the origin the celebrations that are held in the U.S. every last fourth Thursday of November. Colman ideally seeks to answer the question as to whether the Thanksgiving Day really traces its origins to the arrival of the Pilgrims in Plymouth, Massachusetts as commonly stated. The author gives different accounts of past happenings that together point at different origins of the Thanksgiving Day. Pertinent to her discourse is the symbolic eating of turkeys on Thanksgiving Day. According to the author, many Americans love to celebrate together on Thanksgiving Day and often have turkey - a symbol of abundance - as part of their diet.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Faith of Children by Proxy Essay Example for Free
Faith of Children by Proxy Essay In response to the query as to how an infant can be capable of making an act of faith, which is regarded as being necessary for baptism; Catholics refer to faith of infants born into Christian home, as guaranteed by faith of their parents and sponsors. The parents of such infants have the bounding duty to bring them up as Christians. When such children have grown in the faith their baptism is now given ‘confirmation’. In Mark 2: 1-5, an example of faith by proxy, sufficient for salvation of another is often cited by Catholics. ‘And after some days, He again entered into Capernaum. And it was heard that He was in the house. And so many gathered that there was no room left, not even at the door. And He spoke the word to them. And they came to Him, bringing a paralytic, who was being carried by four men. And when they were not able to present him to Him because of the crowd, they uncovered the roof where He was. And opening it, they lowered down the stretcher on which the paralytic was lying. Then, when Jesus had seen their faith, he said to the paralytic, â€Å"Son, your sins are forgiven you. †’ {Mark 2:1-5} In this passage, the Lord Jesus offered salvation and remission of sins to a paralytic man, based on the faith of those who brought him to Jesus, not necessarily on the faith of the sick man himself; because he was obviously incapable of professing his own faith. Therefore in like manner, Catholics who take their infants to Jesus for baptism are substituting their faith for that for the faith of their children. Another example of faith of one person guaranteeing salvation for another is found in the book of Matthew: ‘And when he had entered into Capernaum, a centurion approached, petitioning him, and saying, â€Å"Lord, my servant lies at home paralyzed and badly tormented. †And Jesus said to him, â€Å"I will come and heal him. †And responding, the centurion said: â€Å"Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my servant shall be healed†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ And, hearing this, Jesus wondered. And he said to those following him: â€Å"Amen I say to you, I have not found so great a faith in Israel†. And Jesus said to the centurion, â€Å"Go, and just as you have believed, so let it be done for you. †And the servant was healed at that very hour. { Matthew 8: 5-13} Salvation for Whole Household Examples abound in the Holy Scriptures where the faith of the head of a household led to salvation of the whole household, children included. In Acts11, we read about a man being saved along with his entire household after Simon Peter had preached the gospel to them. ‘†¦. And he described for us how he had seen an Angel in his house, standing and saying to him: ‘Send to Joppa and summon Simon, who is surnamed Peter. And he shall speak to you words, by which you shall be saved with your whole house. ’ And when I had begun to speak, the Holy Spirit fell upon them, just as upon us also, in the beginning. ’ {Acts 11:13-15} Therefore, Catholics take the informed Biblical view that since a whole household can be saved by the profession of faith of the head of the house and consequently all members of the household are baptized including little children, the Bible supports the Catholic practice of baptism of infants. Authority from Church Accepted Tradition The second major source of authority for the Catholic practice of baptizing infants is the accepted practice dating back to the very beginning of Christianity, the Apostolic Church. Right from the earliest days of the Christian Church, infant baptism has been an accepted practice. One Church authority, Origen wrote in the third century AD: Baptism is given for the remission of sins; and according to the usage of the Church, Baptism is given even to infants. And, indeed, if there were nothing in infants that required the remission of sins and nothing in them pertinent to forgiveness, the grace of Baptism would be superfluous. (Origen, Homily on Leviticus 8:3 AD 244) The Roman Catholic Church which succeeded the early Apostolic Church reaffirmed the correctness of the practice of baptism for infants and has continued the practice to this day. WORKS CITED Origen, Homily on Leviticus 8:3 AD 244 The Sacred Bible: The Acts of the Apostles
Friday, September 20, 2019
Safety Measures In Pakistan Construction Industry Construction Essay
Safety Measures In Pakistan Construction Industry Construction Essay Safety in the construction industry has always been a major issue. Wherever reliable records are available, construction is found to be one of the most dangerous on safety and health criteria, particularly in developing countries. Though much improvement in construction safety has been achieved, the industry still continues to lag behind most other industries with regard to safety. Pakistan is a developing country and currently enjoys a relatively strong growth in construction work. Unfortunately, Pakistans construction industry suffers from poor safety and health conditions. The framework of the existing occupational and health conditions is fragmented and inadequately enforced, making construction sites more hazardous. It may even be argued that relevant regulations are outdated and irrelevant in day-to-day construction operations. Like many developing countries of the world, Pakistan at present does not have comprehensive occupational health and safety laws. The number of injuries and illnesses is probably very high in Pakistan because thousands of workers are routinely exposed to hazardous work in construction industry. However, there is no reliable data on occupational safety and health injuries and illnesses because a majority of accidents are not reported to the regulatory agencies. The regulatory agencies neither have an effective enforcement policy nor strict requirements for reporting injuries and illness at work places. Another reason of such indents is the careless behaviour of workers towards safety measures and rules. This study focus on national culture and safety climate in the construction industry in Pakistan. More specifically, it investigates the safety perceptions, attitudes, and behaviour of Pakistani construction workers and management safety practices. It will present the practical results of a number of questionnaire surveys administrate in Pakistan targeting construction workers, and managers with safety management responsibilities. Due to a relatively new awareness of construction safety in Pakistan, the construction industry lacks infrastructure for proper construction safety standards and plans. This study provide the way to improve management system to reduce injuries at construction site and some useful insights into the main players of the Pakistani construction industry for a greater understanding of: (1) risk perceptions, attitudes and safe/unsafe work behaviour of construction workers; (2) managers safety practices and their preferences; and (3) the extent to which workers attitudes and perceptions and their behaviour are associated with their national culture. This data not only adds to the understanding of the implications of Pakistani cultural values on the construction organization, but also provides new knowledge for construction managers who will be better able to understand the culture within which they operate and improve outcomes. The results of this research will be of use to a cross-sectional range of workers and managers Why are you interested in the project? Safety of a workforce employed in the construction industry has always been a matter of concern for employers and labour organizations in developing countries. Previous research has shown that improving the accuracy in the recording of incidents (or accidents) is one way in which the safety management system could be improved. Without a robust safety management system it is impossible to provide a safe working environment for employees. In order to improve health and safety systems, developing countries should look at systems in place in developed countries. In these countries the situation is quite the opposite, and therefore they can be used as a guide as to what can be achieved in the health and safety area of the construction industry in developing countries. Though a lot of preventive measures have been implemented and enforced to ensure the safety of labourers in the developing countries, there is still much more that needs to be done in this area to reduce the chances of any unfortunate situations arising. Astonishingly, in certain parts of developing countries like Pakistan, safety rules within construction companies usually do not exist; and if they do in a rough form. Most companies do not even follow rules considered basic in developed countries, for example appropriate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), and adequate signage. For this research, appropriate methods for data collection would surely be: questionnaire surveys and interviews. The questionnaire will have both qualitative and quantitative items for this research and it includes open-ended and close-ended questions. The open-ended questions will be providing with a view to obtain as much as information possible about site safety conditions and plans. This questionnaire also has several quantitative measures (Keys) built into it. These quantitative measures (Keys) will provide to facilitate the intention to translate the qualitative impressions gathered after each interview into some measurable rating scales. In addition, each management staff was asked for their personal and professional information background (i.e. age, job title, experience in construction and safety training received). Finally management was asked to provide personal suggestions for improvements to the safety systems at the site. And finally the data which will collect from the questionnaire surveys and interviews will analyse and the analytical analysis will undertake. For secondary data there has been increasing interest in trying to understand how management practices and organizational factors impact on workplace, workers and their safety. Some research papers have focused on workplace managers as role models for instilling safety awareness and supporting safe behaviour also I will use internet search for this research. The construction industry plays a vital role in the social and economic development of all countries. The importance and role of the construction industry in the economy of any country has been confirmed by several studies, including Coble and Haupt (1999). However, when compared with other (labour intensive) industries, the construction industry has historically experienced a disproportionately high rate of disabling injuries and fatalities for its size (Hinze, 1997). Kartam and Bouz (1998) identified the advancement in social sciences as having promoted a greater awareness of the purity of life and the unacceptability of premature death due to work-related accidents. Past researches has shown that the high number of construction site accidents is a universal problem of much concern. Though notable improvements in construction worker safety at sites have been achieved, the industry continues to lag behind most other industries with regard to safety (National Safety Council, 1999). According to Davies and Tomasin (1996), there are a number of reasons why accident records within the construction industry compare poorly with those of the manufacturing industry. In factories, there is normally a controlled working environment, with little change in the working procedures and equipment over long periods; additionally, the labour force usually remains fairly constant. Thus once identified, hazards can be remedied with relative ease, and the danger mitigated. However the case is quite different in the construction industry as the working environment is constantly changing. The construction industry is a mixture of different organisations, which directly and indirectly influence the construction process. These organisations include property developers, architects, engineers, quantity surveyors, accountants, lawyers, civil engineering contractors, engineering contractors, management contractors, labourers, subcontractors and specialist trades. The same complexity can be found with construction workplaces. Within the workplace Construction processes involve hazardous activities, such as working at height, manual handling, exposure to hazardous materials, demolition, frame erection, lifting operations, scaffolding and ground works, bulk materials and heavy equipment handling, as well as the varying jobsite personnel and the regularly changing worksites. A further characteristic of the industry, that makes management of this sector more troublesome, is the unfavourably high supervisor-worker ratio. Supervisors who have more a personal and positive relations hip with workers have more favourable safety performance records (Hinze, 1997; Levitt Samelson, 1993). This relationship is harder to develop if the ratio is too high, which is generally the case within the construction industry (Smallwood, 2000). Rowlinson and Lingard (1996) have attributed the prototype nature of construction projects, the transient nature of work, low education levels of the workforce and high levels of subcontracting, as major contributing factors to poor safety records within the construction industry worldwide. There is a wide variation in economic structures, occupational structures, working conditions, work environment, and the health status of workers in different regions of the world, in different countries and in different sectors of the economy. Therefore the mechanisation of the construction industry is not uniform throughout the world. However, as stated earlier, the construction industry plays a vital role in boosting the economy of any country, especially a developing country. It provides the infrastructure required for other sectors of the economy to flourish. Many studies, such as Coble and Haupt (1999) have shown that construction industry reflects the level of economic development within the country. The construction sector everywhere faces problems and challenges. However, in developing countries, these difficulties and challenges are present alongside a general level of socio-economic stress and a lower productivity rate when compared to developed countries (Ofori, 2000). Ne vertheless it is generally believed that the industry is a good source of employment at various levels of skills, from a general labour to semi-skilled, skilled and specialist workforce. Other major areas that impacts on this sector are lack of research and development, lack of trade and safety training, client dissatisfaction, and the continuously increasing construction costs (all of which result in less profitability). A lot of analyst found that, in most developing countries, for example like India, there are: no training programs for staff and workers therefore, no orientation for new staff or workers is conducted, hazards are not pointed out and no safety meetings are held. Employees are expected to learn from their own mistakes and experience. It is widely accepted that unsafe behaviour is intrinsically linked to workplace accidents. A positive correlation exists between workers safe behaviour and the safety climate within construction site environments. Construction workers attitudes towards safety are influenced by their perceptions of risk, management, safety rules and procedures. A variety of studies, including Niskanen (1994), Glendon and Litherland (2001) and Mohamed (2002) have investigated the construction safety climate within developed countries. In the majority of these studies, researchers have either developed a new model or replicated an already tested model with a view to improving its adequacy. However, there is a lack of research in this area in the context of developing countries. Pakistan is a developing country that is currently enjoying relatively strong growth in construction activities. Unfortunately, the enforcement of safety regulations is not widespread within Pakistan. Some may even argue that the framework of existing occupational and health conditions of Pakistans construction industry is fragmented and inadequately enforced. Likewise in any industry, good health and safety conditions form good and safe business practice. Therefore, it is believed the integration of safety and health measures into a total management system, within the construction sector in Pakistan, could contribute significantly to the cost efficiency, quality assurance and environmental protection of the company and its employees. Cultural differences have a significant impact upon industrial safety culture and help in understanding the different approaches to accident prevention and safety management. Knowledge of cultural differences cannot be acquired without first understanding what culture is. Although culture is used widely to describe variations among people from different nations or of different ethnicities, there is no single, accepted definition. There is, however, a commonly-used set of characteristics that helps to identify culture: 1) culture includes systems of values 2) Culture is learned, not innate 3) culture distinguishes one group from another and 4) culture influences beliefs, attitudes, perceptions and behaviour in a somewhat uniform and predictable way (Bird, 2003). As safety climate is often portrayed as a temporal measure of culture (Cheyne et al., 1998) this last characteristic of culture is most important, as it relates the national culture to the safety climate. Safety climate also refers to the shared perceptions, beliefs, attitudes and behaviour of the worker, regarding safety in their workplace. Ngowi and Mothibi (1996), in a study of 30 construction sites in Botswana, found cultural differences were a major reason for viewing safety procedures differently. Site managers in that study stated that the safety gear provided to employees from impoverished backgrounds were often sold. The managers also referred to the cultural habits of drinking alcohol or taking herbal drugs. They identified a tendency for workers to travel to work in smart clothes and to leave the construction site to spend their money as soon as they received their wages. Experience with traditional construction techniques, such as the use of mud mixed by hand, proved to be obstacles in getting workers to appreciate the need to wear gloves when working with concrete. Further, some local cultures were considered more emotional or more dominant, thus causing certain difficulties with effective safety management. The literature review revealed a lack of research work undertaken on the influence (direct or indirect) of national culture on local safety conditions in the construction industry. This deficiency is a major contributor to the development of this current research rationale which focuses on workers and management characteristics, and how these characteristics in turn, can influence the safety climate of the workplace.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
William Goldings Lord of the Flies :: Essays Papers
LORD OF THE FLIES My report is about the very well known book "Lord of the flies", by William Golding. There are many characters in this book, but the most important ones are Ralph, Jack, Simon, Piggy, and Roger. When I read this book I discovered a great change in most of their personalities, especially Jack's. So I would say that they are all dynamic characters. Ralph, in the beginning of the novel, had a boyish personality. Then later on in the novel, he became much more mature due to the fact that all of them had to live in a more civilized manner to get a long and to survive while waiting to be rescued. Jack, in the beginning of the novel was Ralph's most powerful antagonist. Then later on turned against Ralph and becomes leader. Simon is a unique character in the novel. He remains largely uninvolved with any of the power struggles between Ralph and Jack. He was killed. Roger is very mean. He killed Piggy by pushing a big bolder on top of him. Piggy was the intellectual in the group. He complained a lot in the beginning, but later on became more mature. But, unfortunately, he was killed by Roger. The novel begins about a group of English people who are marooned on a tropical island when the plane evacuating them from atomic war-torn England crashes. So now this group of boys are alone on this island. Then Ralph called an assembly to talk to the other guys about making a plan to get along and survive. The struggle starts in trying to make rules for the group to live by. There were many more conflicts through out the novel. But the main conflict is the boys trying to get along with each other and survive while waiting to be rescued from a
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
What is Style? Essay -- Style Personality Individuality Papers
What is Style? What is style, and how do we know when we have a style that is all our own? This is one thought that I ponder on cloudy dreary days, and when I have nothing better to do than think. In all actuality, do we even have a style we can call our own, or are we a conglomeration of what we like in the people around us? I would like to think I have my own style, but then reality sets in, and I start to realize I'm a clone of all the people I admire, and desire to be like. I has taken me a long time to realize that no matter how hard I tried to be my own person, I was still following in other peoples footsteps. When I was in high school, I did all I could to remain in the "in" crowd. But if you were to ask me if I had my own style, I would have said yes. Even though I wore the same clothes, talk the same language, and played the same sports, I still thought I had my own style. I was so convinced that I was different. But now when I look back, I can see that I was exactly the way I didn't want to be. The only comforting thing about style is that no matter how hard we try to be individuals, we all copy one another. It's nice to know I'm not the only person this happens to, although I think this is rather evident in many people. There are still many groups that dress alike, talk alike, and listen to the same music. No matter where we live, or our social status, we can all become victims of style. One of the best places to see different styles is while visiting a mall, grocery store, or a music shop. These stores can also be a cheap form of entertainment. I can remember one time when a friends of mine, and I had some time to waste before we went to a movie. We went to the mall to engage in our favorite pass time of p... another person, I feel that in some way I have violated this person. But I think that if we don our best make the style look as good as we can, than there shouldn't be any need to worry. I guess the only way I can have a person think about the other is to use your better judgment. If it was your style that was being used wouldn't you feel terrible if someone else ruined the whole idea that you had. It would be like if someone were to read a paper for you, and then this person turned it all around to make it sound nothing like you had wanted, or intended. But then again, there is no way to stop people from ruining what you had created. I guess this is a part of living. We can't control the people around us, so we should be who we want to be, and do what we want to do. And if someone has a problem with that, then that is something that they will have to deal with.
HMO Regulation Essay -- essays research papers
HMO Regulation Health Maintenance Organizations, or HMO’s, are a very important part of the American health care system. Also referred to as managed care programs, HMO's are combinations of doctors and insurance companies that are formed into one organization. This organization provides treatment to its members at fixed costs and decides on what treatment, if any, will be given based on the patient's or doctor's current health plan. Sometimes, no treatment is given at all. HMO's main concerns are to control costs and supposedly provide the best possible treatment to their patients. But it seems to the naked eye that instead their main goal is to get more people enrolled so that they can maintain or raise current premiums paid by consumers using their service. For HMO's, profit comes first- not patients' lives. HMO’s are groups of doctors hired by insurance companies and are usually controlled or regulated by the hospitals who facilitate them. The majority of this limitation is due to pressure from within the organization or government pressure. The government influences hospitals into denying treatment in order to cut federal costs. These government actions generally result in a revision of private employee health care claims, and in turn certain businesses can no longer afford to provide health insurance for their employees. Consequently, approximately 50 to 60 million people go without insurance for at least one month each year. Many HMO’s constantly evaluate their services to "ensure" the best care and coverage. But in many cases, what is happening is the exact opposite. HMO's can and do conduct their business quite ruthlessly. Patients are continuously unable to receive the necessary treatment due to the insufficient HMO coverage. Many HMO's actually make more money if their doctors see or treat fewer patients. According to the Associated Press, â€Å"Consumers who have been denied a treatment that the HMO says is not covered, or who inadvertently fail to follow HMO guidelines in seeking treatment and are therefore denied reimbursement, will continue to have little recourse.†(2) Many people must drive for hours, generally sick or injured, simply to receive treatment from a doctor that will be covered by their HMO. Another downfall to HMO coverage is selective-contracting. This is a process where hospitals deny treatment to patients because their... ...ts to cover their mistakes. This is the exact opposite of what the country needs. Why should costs go up because of denied treatment? The big concern is whether or not government really understands the great difficulty in trying to control HMO’s and other health care programs without a nationalized program. Since there are some 6 million people using Medicare in HMO’s something needs to be done to ensure these patients the treatment that they need. In conclusion, there still needs to be a lot of work done to health care in the United States. Other nations provide universal health care to their citizens, but this would cause dilemmas in balancing two often conflicting policy goals: providing the public with equitable access to needed pharmaceuticals while controlling the costs. Universal health care probably would not work in the U.S. because our nation is so diverse and our economy is so complex. The system we have now obviously has its problems, and there is a lot of rom for improvement. HMO’s will still create problems for people and their medical bills, but they definitely should be monitored to see that their patients are receiving just treatment.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Communication Trends
Delver Business communication plays a vital role in my day-to-day work activities as a hairstylist in someone else's salon. For the most part, I use electronic communicating options like the smartened, multimedia messages, email, and instant messages. Communicating effectively with my clientele by keeping these lines of communication open is what I depend on to keep track of my clients and they can keep track of me.I use my smartened as the sole source of communicating with my clients. They can call me during a certain time frame, they can request appointments, through email and text, and they can always request their appointment times over my voice mail. Once my clientele make contact with me, I then set there appointment right to my calendars. I use my smartened as my PDA, to take credit card payments and I can send my clients a receipt of their payments through text messaging or email.This trend in business communication has helped me cut back on buying office supplies and appoint ment books. I am more organized with my scheduling and I keep better track of my finances. Portable media players, and Pad's, and social media have become the backbone of the Cosmetology field. Most hair stylists and salons can be found over the internet. We can order our products over the internet, and even do personal tutorials over the internet.The beauty industry has taken well to the latest software technology. The software has allowed salon owners to run their entire salon using communication technology; this is a huge milestone for hairdressers and salon owners. Most hairdressers, who are independent contractors, can operate their business inside someone else's salon, pay the necessary payments and fees for the space and ammunition with their clientele on a one-on-one basis.Stylists can also showcase their skills and the styles they can do by posting them on their personal business websites, on social media, and they can shoot live videos that can be accessible to a large num ber of viewers. These forms of business communication is allowing hairstylists on all levels to be aspiring entrepreneurs and this wave of independent entrepreneurship is sending a strong message that entails being in cosmetology now means you are in a profession that is innovative with style trends but also innovative with business communications.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Instructional Objectives Essay
Instructional objectives may also be called performance objectives, behavioural objectives, or simply objectives. All of these terms are used interchangeably. Objectives are specific, outcome based, measurable, and describe the learner’s behaviour after instruction. Instructional objectives serve as goals that teachers have set in the achievement of a greater goal. They also tell students what is expected of them. Instructional objectives make definite the direction in which teaching leads and become the focus of instruction, not only for the teachers, but also for the students. Without instructional objectives teaching is comparable to a fallen leaf whose destination is dependent on the will of the wind. Without instructional objectives, teachers will have nothing to follow in order to achieve what it should achieve. A well-written objective should meet the following criteria; describe a learning outcome, be student oriented, be observable or describe an observable product. A well-written objective should describe a learning outcome. It should not describe a learning activity. Learning activities are important in planning and guiding instruction but they are not to be confused with instructional objectives. A student-oriented objective focuses on the learner, not on the teacher. It describes what the learner will be expected to be able to do. It should not describe a teacher activity. It may be helpful to both the teacher and the student to know what the teacher is going to do but teacher activities are also not to be confused with instructional objectives. If an instructional objective is not observable, it leads to unclear expectations and it will be difficult to determine whether or not it had been reached. The key to writing observable objectives is to use verbs that are observable and lead to a well defined product of the action implied by that verb. Verbs such as â€Å"to know,†â€Å"to understand,†â€Å"to enjoy,†â€Å"to appreciate,†â€Å"to realize,†and â€Å"to value†are vague and not observable. Verbs such as â€Å"to identify,†â€Å"to list,†â€Å"to select,†â€Å"to compute,†â€Å"to predict,†and â€Å"to analyze†are explicit and describe observable actions or actions that lead to observable products. For an instruction to be useful, an objective must not only be well written but it also must meet the following criteria: be sequentially appropriate, be attainable within a reasonable amount of time, be developmentally appropriate. For an objective to be sequentially appropriate it must occur in an appropriate place in the instructional sequence. All prerequisite objectives must already have been attained. Nothing thwarts the learning process more than having learners trying to accomplish an objective before they have learned the necessary prerequisites. This is why continuous assessment of student progress is so important. A useful objective is attainable within a reasonable time. If an instructional objective takes students an inordinately long time to accomplish, it is either sequentially inappropriate or it is too broad, relying on the accomplishment of several outcomes or skills rather than a single outcome or skill. An objective should set expectations for a single learning outcome and not a cluster of them. Instructional objectives are often classified according to the kind or level of learning that is required in order to reach them. There are numerous taxonomies of instructional objectives; the most common taxonomy was developed by Benjamin Bloom and his colleagues. The first level of the taxonomy divides objectives into three categories: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Simply put, cognitive objectives focus on the mind; affective objectives focus on emotions or affect; and psychomotor objectives focus on the body. Cognitive objectives call for outcomes of mental activity such as memorizing, reading, problem solving, analyzing, synthesizing, and drawing conclusions. Bloom and others further categorize cognitive objectives into various levels from the simplest cognitive tasks to the most complex cognitive task. These categories can be helpful when trying to order objectives so they are sequentially appropriate. This helps to insure that prerequisite outcomes are accomplished first. Affective objectives focus on emotions. Whenever a person seeks to learn to react in an appropriate way emotionally, there is some thinking going on. What distinguishes affective objectives from cognitive objectives is the fact that the goal of affective objectives is some kind of affective behavior or the product of an affect (e. g. , an attitude). The goal of cognitive objectives, on the other hand, is some kind of cognitive response or the product of a cognitive response (e. g. , a problem solved). Psychomotor objectives focus on the body and the goal of these objectives is the control or manipulation of the muscular skeletal system or some part of it (e. g. , dancing, writing, tumbling, passing a ball, and drawing). All skills requiring fine or gross motor coordination fall into the psychomotor category. To learn a motor skill requires some cognition. However, the ultimate goal is not the cognitive aspects of the skill such as memorizing the steps to take. The ultimate goal is the control of muscles or muscle groups. The following are the importance of instructional objectives in teaching I. C. T Firstly, Instructional objectives are of immense significance in today’s education process. They provide organizers of the process with the opportunity to delve into learners mind and know where they are heading. Instructional objectives provide teachers the opportunity to design proper assessment procedure through tests and evaluation. Students know what they are supposed to do, use before or after a particular class. Instructional objectives also help trace the amount of change that has been brought about in a student. It gives a definite direction to the whole teaching-learning and evaluation process of a particular class in classroom situations. It also helps both the teacher as well as students in determining particular educational goals and enables them to focus their attention on specific learning activities to achieve those goals. Through instructional objectives – the organizers of educational process can determine the resources, course materials, curricular and co-curricular activities, relevant contents and references etc. which are so vital to make the process functional. Instructional objectives also lead the teacher into discovering the best learning situations, strength and weaknesses of the prevalent learning process, level of growth and development of learners through a pre-determined evaluation process. In short, instructional objectives help in monitoring and evaluating the whole educational process in minute details.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
“Lolita†by Vladymir Nabokov Essay
The relationship between Humbert Humbert and Lolita, is highly undefined. Many readers who have read Lolita find it to be based on â€Å"lust†, while others find Humbert to truly be in â€Å"love†with his Lolita. However, there is evidence that Humbert’s desire for Lolita is based on some obsessive-compulsive behavior which he cannot control, and therefore keeps returning for her. Humbert’s obsessions can be clearly recognized in his behaviors when looked upon in H. R. Beech’s Obsessional States and Andrew Brink’s Obsession and Culture: A Study of Sexual Obsession in Modern Fiction’s perception of what obsession is. Humbert’s obsessional tendencies are displayed in many passages through his descriptive word choices and his over bearing personality, such as when he describes Lolita after returning from camp to be, â€Å"†¦all rose and honey, ressed in her brightest gingham, with a pattern of little red apples,†¦with s cratches like tiny dotted lines of coagulated rubies, and the ribbed cuffs of her white socks were turned down.†Obsession can be a difficult subject because there is not a finite definition of what obsession really is. Who determines what obsession is? When does deep admiration pass and obsession begin? According to S. Jack Rachman â€Å"an obsession is an intrusive, repetitive thought, image, or impulse that is unacceptable or unwanted and gives rise to subjective resistance†(2). Furthermore, Andrew Brink states that â€Å"†¦the popular meaning of the term obsession, including the new verb ‘to obsess,’ which means to be persistently preoccupied about something, usually in an unsatisfactory relationship†(195). These similar definitions are important when looking at Humbert’s actions because his actions are perceived by these qualities. First, Brink argues that most people have an obsessional defense, and this defense is brought out of men due to their fear of women. More specifically, this defense mechanism is explained as the â€Å"internalization of bipolar impulses to both accept and reject the same attachment object†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (195). He further describes it as â€Å"†¦a defense in which the internalized mother is split into accepting and rejecting aspects by which the person gains quasi-independence from her by identifying with her.†(Nabokov, 112) This conception is demonstrated in Humbert’s relationship with Charolette Haze. By Humbert describing Charlotte upon there first meeting with â€Å"the poor lady in her middle thirties, she had a shiny forehead, plucked eyebrows and quite simple†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Nabokov, 37) Furthermore, Humbert states, â€Å"Had Charlotte been Valaria, I would have known how to handle the situation by merely twisting fat Valechka’s brittle wrist but anything of the sort in regard to Charlotte was unthinkable†(83) as a way of letting the reader understand his sense of fear, his lack of control, and his desperation to regain his feeling of control. In hopes of regaining his lost sense of control Humbert plots to kill Charlotte; with out her in his way Lolita would be his, and he would have full control over her. However, Humbert never went through with his scheme for the mere reason, â€Å"poets never kill†(Nabokov, 88) In accordance to Brink’s definition of obsession, Humbert seems to fall elusively into obsessional defense in the sense that obsessive men’s fear of women also manifests itself as control (196) Humbert’s tendency to be controlling throughout the novel leads the reader to believe he is obsessive. Throughout the novel Humbert remains in control most of the time, not only in control of the characters, but also in control of the readers. For example, Humbert tries to control the reader by making them believe his side of the story to be true: â€Å"Frigid gentlewomen of the jury!†¦I am going to tell you something very strange: it was she who seduced me†(Nabokov, 132). Humbert also tries to influence the therapists, stating, â€Å"I discovered there was an endless source of robust enjoyment in trifling with psychiatrists: cunningly leading them on; never letting them see that you know all the tricks of the trade; inventing for all them elaborate dreams,†¦teasing them with fake â€Å"primal scenes††¦Ã¢â‚¬ (34). Brink, commenting on this scene stated â€Å"the sadistic, controlling intent of this statement of knowing better than the therapist is typical of obsessional patients†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (102). Humbert has this need to feel he is in complete control. When the control is lost, a desire to retain his sense of dominance can overcome him. This is best presented to the reader as Humbert kills Quilty near the end of the novel. Although previously not taking the opportunity to kill Charlotte, Humbert has already lost his control over Lolita, his love, and therefore finds killing Quilty as a way of having some sort of control recuperated. Walking through Quilty’s house, previous to murdering him, Humbert locked as many doors as he could, controlling where Quilty could retreat to. (Nabokov, 294) However, after the murder, while swerving back and forth along the road, Humbert is stopped by the police, and at that point gives up full control for insanity. (306-307) And therefore, upon los ing control it is discovered Humbert truly is obsessive. Humbert’s obsessiveness is also conveyed through the words he uses, and the descriptions he gives; his language conveys obsession. For instance, after Humbert’s first sexual encounter with Lolita he describes her as â€Å"brown, naked, frail Lo, her narrow white buttocks to me, her sulky face to a door mirror, stood arms a akimbo, feet (in new slippers with pussy-fur tops) wide apart†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Nabokov, 137-138). By remembering such detail while in jail years after the incident it seems quite clear that Humbert had an obsessive nature. This is also conveyed when he describes Lolita as â€Å"naked, except for one sock and her charm bracelet, a velvet hair ribbon was still clutched in her hand; her honey-brown body, with the white negative image of a rudimentary swimsuit patterned against her tan†(125). Lolita is a very complicated novel to analyze due to the many interpretations made by different individuals. However, it is apparent that Humbert was suffering from some sort of obsessive disorder. It is apparent merely in what Humbert talks about and how he says it. There are few instances in the novel where Humbert is not speaking about Lolita or fascinating about having absolute domination over nymphets.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
It Has Been Said That the Comparison Method of Valuation Is the Best Method. Do You Agree with This Statement?
It has been said that the Comparison Method of Valuation is the best method. Do you agree with this statement? It has been said that the Comparison Method of Valuation is the best method. I personally agree to this statement but I believe there is no perfect valuation method. All methods have advantages and disadvantages. Valuers always prefer to use the comparative method for assessing market value or market rent, because it links directly to evidence of current market transactions. The other methods: profits, residual, contractors and investment are used when the comparative method cannot be used with full confidence. The comparison method is used to value the main types of property for example houses shops offices and standard warehouses and factories. These are regularly sold or let in the market giving plenty of evidence to support an assessment of rental value or market value of similar properties. The comparison method can be used to calculate the market value of the property and the rental as well; all other methods can provide results for one or the other. So this method is mainly used because it provides solid evidence of the property’s value. All other methods can be manipulated by the valuer. This is the reason why the comparison method is the only acceptable method for court usage. When there is little or no evidence of comparable market transactions the valuer needs to stand in the shoes of the most likely purchaser or tenant to simulate their thinking and calculations they might carry out when assessing how much to pay for the property concerned. To perform a valuation with the comparison method: The valuer needs to be fully aware of the current economic conditions * The market should be stable * There should be plenty of evidence of recent sale in similar properties * In Size * Condition * Age * Area * Type As I notice today it is very hard to find comparable market transactions simply because there are very few transactions done. But even when we do find comparable date the market is so unstable that they aren’t r eliable. The comparison method of valuation is also a basic component of each of the other methods. It plays a vital role in the Investment method. In the first stage of the investment method we need to analyze property sale transactions to establish the relationship between rental income and the capital prices recently paid by investors. So we basically use the comparable data from the comparison method to find a yield or a multiplier which expresses the relationship between rent and capital. And finally we use this yield and the rental income of a property to calculate the current value.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Post Menopausal Syndrome Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Post Menopausal Syndrome - Essay Example Other symptoms include lack of sleep, depression, and a decreased interest in sex. The bodily changes include changes in the vagina which becomes smaller and opening becomes narrower. Changes are also seen in the labia folds which lose fat and become pale and dry. Due to an increase in vaginal pH chances of infection rises and itching of the vaginal area is also reported. In addition to changes in the vagina the uterus and the cervical opening also becomes smaller and the endometrial lining reduced. The pelvic ligaments that support the uterus become weak and this could increase the risk of uterine prolapse. Another major concern for women during and after menopause is decalcification of the bones due to lower estrone and androstenedione hormones which lead to osteoporosis. This condition increases the risk of fractures of the vertebra, hip and knee as the bones are more porous. In addition, women can also suffer from lower back pain, and joint paints resulting in lower mobility. Thi s could however be reduced by maintaining a good physique and consuming a healthy diet during the child-bearing years. The skin changes observed during this period are sudden red flushes on the neck, face and chest which is accompanied by a higher body temperature and sweating. This symptom can last for a period of 1 to 5 years. Lack of estrogen and an increased circulating male hormone leads to male pattern hirsutism in these women. Women are at a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases due to a reduction of the estrogen hormone as it is associated with a rise in low-density lipoprotein and a rise in high-density lipoproteins. However, most of these symptoms can be relieved through estrogen replacement therapy and the risk of osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases can be greatly
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Competitive silence or personalization of products, the case of Apple Essay
Competitive silence or personalization of products, the case of Apple Computer - Essay Example The scenario has now changed as most managers understand the need to maintain a strategic grip on the information a company receives and disseminates. They can then use this information in not only managing the internal processes but also control external factors such as share price and market perceptions. There is a very important link between the trends of information leaked and corporate success. The main factor for the success of any business is sales. This is because the primary aim of doing business for every organization is to earn a profit. There are two primary ways to increase over all monetary value of profit. The first way is to increase the gross profit margin on the products being offered in the market. This is the more difficult way for some products and at the end of the day it comes down to strategy. The product life cycle for example is major contributor to the decision of choosing the strategy of trying to increase gross margin. Products in the mature stage of their life cycle for example require extensive marketing efforts to increase gross margins. On the other hand products in introductory stage find it much easier to charge higher gross margins. The bulk of products being offered in the market are in mature stage of their product life cycle, so the question aris es as how to increase their profits? Even if extensive marketing efforts are undertaken they would although drive up sales but are much costly themselves. The alternative strategy is increasing the amount of sales rather than gross profit margin. There are many different ways of increasing sales none of which are easy to implement. Moreover most methods are replicable e.g. IBM moves its focus from Asia to cheaper markets of Africa. If we look at this example it would be very easy for competitors of IBM such as DELL and Compaq to target Africa as well. The point here is that driving up sales in a mature market
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Nutritional Values of Meals Provided By Day Nurseries To 3-5year Essay
Nutritional Values of Meals Provided By Day Nurseries To 3-5year Children - Essay Example This essay stresses that the primary source of data for this research shall be information gathered from interviews conducted and visits to several local day care centres. The operators and workers of different nurseries will be interviewed for the types of and content of meals provided to children. By comparing the food quality of different day care centres and also the food quality of the nurseries with the recommended daily allowance of vital nutrients, inferences can be drawn about the nutritional value of meals provided by nurseries. On ethical grounds, approval for the study shall first be sought from the relevant Institutional Review Boards. Confidentiality will be assured and personal information will not be collected. The data collated from the interviews and visits to the sampled nurseries will be analysed qualitatively to ascertain the nutritional values of meals provided in different day care centres, whether this is sufficient and if there is a relationship between the type of day care centre and the nutritional value of the meals provided. This study is very important, as it will establish the sufficiency or otherwise of the proliferating day care centres in adequately nurturing the young population of this country entrusted to their care. It shall also seek to establish if there is any link between type of day care centre and the quality of care they provide, this information will greatly aid parents in choosing the best nursery for the children.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Global Implications for Your Profession Fashion Industry Assignment
Global Implications for Your Profession Fashion Industry - Assignment Example The paper "Global Implications for Your Profession Fashion Industry" analyzes Implications of the Corporate Power Global Trends to the Fashion Industry. Consequently, global culture, world economy, and individual lifestyles continually take on new shapes aws the world opens up to trade. The fashion industry is among the many areas that have experienced these dramatic changes as corporate companies compete to produce and market new fashions and clothing to meet the demands of global customers. Corporate power has greatly influenced the fashion industry in terms of variety within locations, uniformity across borders, environmental, and labor concerns.As corporate organizations advertize their fashion goods in magazines, films, and other media channels, a global style evolves now and then across different cultures and borders (Rabine para 2). For example, athletic shoes, T-shirts, blue jeans, and baseball caps find their way to the remotest villages in Africa. African, Asian, and Wester n fashion copy each other in designing their clothing. Almost every large shopping mall around the world is now housing all the styles. Every consumer can be sure to get his or her taste regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, subculture, and profession. Rabine says that customers in dominating Western countries have come to perceive globalization as an abundance of fashions that giant retailers sell. The retailers upgrade inventory and conduct transnational trades at the click of a button or a key.
Monday, September 9, 2019
Campus Crew Customer Communication Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Campus Crew Customer Communication - Coursework Example As a function of this, this brief analysis will consider the customer communication strategy for campus crew in Peterborough Ontario. Due to this particular understanding of the customer communication strategy, the Peterborough Ontario campus crew has a limited scope and interaction with the end consumer. Whereas other aspects of the business cycle integrate directly with the consumer and expressly state their function/purpose/and service offerings, the campus crew is non-proactive and its offerings and services to the end consumer are merely taken for granted (Hennig-Thurau 57). As such, this does not present a situation in which the business model or business plan has a high degree of interaction with the consumer and therefore risks the continuation of services due to an under-appreciation and or misunderstanding of responsibilities and services engaged upon. In this way, it is the recommendation of this author that in order to engage with shareholders in a more complete way, the customer communications strategy of the campus crew in Peterborough Ontario must be completed overhauled and updated so as to engage the shareholders and customers with the services and products offered. Hennig-Thurau, Thorsten. "Relationship Quality And Customer Retention Through Strategic Communication Of Customer Skills." Journal Of Marketing Management 16.1-3 (2000): 55-79. Business Source Premier. Web. 25 Mar.
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Working With the UA Recycling Club Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Working With the UA Recycling Club - Essay Example In that bid, waste bins shall be placed in the University and they shall be clearly marked so as to distinguish the kind of waste that goes in. As such, there will be a single waste bin that only collects waste paper only. When the waste bins are full, the waste paper shall be collected in a bigger waste paper container. From there, it shall be taken to the recycling plant so as to be recycled to new re-usable paper. This project may take as long as it can since paper is a commodity that is used day in day out in the University. As such, waste paper is a product that shall be collected on a daily basis from the strategically placed waste paper bins. The costs to be incurred shall mostly be on the purchase of waste paper bins which shall indeed be different from the other waste bins. The funding shall most probably come from the University as this is a school based initiative. The recycling of paper ensures and guarantees a sustainable environment. This is due to the reason that trees would not be cut down so as to produce products such as paper. In that sense, the environment that we live in will be safer from: The emissions of Green House Gases (GHG) such as Carbon dioxide and Methane that pollute the air; Climate changes that lead to extreme floods, extreme winds and extreme sun rays. This project proposal seeks to create awareness on the importance of recycling paper to the students i nstead of throwing it away as trash.Â
Questions on Psychology of Aging Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Questions on Psychology of Aging - Essay Example The SOC theory "involves an orchestration of selection, optimization, and compensation." When an individual decides on the path or goal he wants to achieve, this process is called selection. "During ontogeny, there are several additional sources for selection: individuals and societies sample from a population of possibilities or opportunities (.), limited individual capacity in time and resources, incompatibility of goals and outcomes, and age-related changes. The activities he will do to hit the target is optimization. If the individual can no longer keep his goal he resorts in goal-relevant means to maintain success - this is compensation. An aging journalist who used to go on field for a daily beat applies the theory of SOC in continuously writing news stories (selection), he ensures that he meets with the right sources to beat his deadline and be able to deliver a good output (optimization), but old age hinders him from doing field work everyday, hence, he opted to have a bi-weekly column in a broadsheet to maintain his keenness and visibility in the world of news (compensation). 2. Schaie (1994) asked whether there are differences in life-course patterns for various intellectual abilities with age (i.e., whether different abilities show different trajectories with age). Briefly discuss the answer to this question based on his results (6 points). Also note when reliable decrements in intellectual ability are detectible (2 points) and what role cohort effects might play (2 points). Answer: In his study, K. Warner Schaie (1994), have shown that "there is no uniform pattern of age-related changes across all intellectual abilities, and that studies of an overall index of intellectual ability () do not suffice to monitor age changes and age differences in intellectual functioning for either individuals or groups." The uniqueness of human mind, as well as, cohort, and gender are among the factors that makes the non-uniform pattern of age-related changes in the IQ. The age of 60 is the usual retirement age in most countries. Schaie's study shows "decrements in most psychometric abilities" mostly occur at the age of 60 onwards. Regardless of the individual pathology or genetic factors, "reliable average decrement can be found for all psychometric abilities by age 74. Cohort, generation, or peers also affect an individual's intellectual ability. Although "() patterns of socialization unique to a given sex role is specific historical period may be a major determinant of the pattern of change in abilities." 3. Imagine that you are asked by congress to develop a nation-wide training program that would enhance older adults' cognitive functioning. Based on the results from the Schaie and Willis (1986) study, where they trained reasoning and spatial ability in older adults, would you tell congress that a training program would work (5 points) Why or why not (5 points) Answer: I would be very glad to recommend to the Congress a training program to enhance adults' cognitive functioning. Based on Schaie and Willis (1986) study, "inductive reasoning training help improve everyday problem solving ability, particularly for older adults in their late 70s or early 80s. In the present time where a lot of concerns arise, that even a primary pupil encounter various perplexing matters (classroom and family politics), a cognitive training would be of help. It will boost the future, as well as the present generation's
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Anna’s Courage and Determination That Results in Her Eventual Emancipation Essay Example for Free
Anna’s Courage and Determination That Results in Her Eventual Emancipation Essay English ‘Year of wonders’ Practice essay #1 â€Å"More than anything else, it is Anna’s courage and determination that results in her eventual emancipation’. Do you agree?†The circular structure Novel â€Å" Year of wonders†by Geraldine Brooks, details the events taking place at a small village called ‘Eyam’, through the eyes of the protagonist Anna Frith. Set in the 1600s, the town of Eyam (along with the rest of Europe) finds them self’s at the mercy of the devastating disease know as the bubonic plague. This relentless and unforgiving infection kills within days and spreads rapidly, making it near impossible to combat. In response, Eyam’s unofficial ‘leader‘ and rector, Mr. Mompellion, imposes a ‘voluntary’ quarantine on the village, which isolates them from the rest of the outside world, leaving themselves to deal with the fear and challenges brought by the plague. Throughout the testing times brought by the plague, the bravery and willpower of the main character Anna Frith is constantly evident and is the main reason why she is able to survive the plague and eventually free her self from the past, with her new life in Oran. This is shown in the novel through Anna’s fortitude to over come her great challenges and fears and her constant endeavor to help others. However her loss in faith throughout the novel also plays a role in the development of her new life. Through one of the most testing times of human history, a young and timid girl in Anna Frith responds by stepping up and growing strong. She had to face tasks, no ordinary women would be capable of, such as; laying her husbands body out for burial and dealing with the mangled remains of her father. And not to mention the countless amount of ‘death beads’ she attended. Further more we learn early learn of Anna’s fear of delivering babies and midwifing due to her mother due to a four-day labor. During this labor, a barber surgeon was called in and used a thatcher’s hook to pull the remains from Anna’s mother. With Anna’s father, Josiah, too intoxicated to realise Anna was in the room, she was exposed to seeing â€Å"the tiny town off arm of [her] stillborn sister†and â€Å"the pale, folded flesh, the tiny, perfect fingers open like a little flower†. This fear is over come by determination when Elinor Mompellion requests Anna’s help to deliver Mary daniel’s baby. Anna was â€Å"not calm, nor certain and had no skill†but was a great help in the successful delivery of the baby and â€Å"in a season of death, we celebrated life†. Anna then realised that due to the dwindling numbers of the village, it was essential that Anna rise’s to the occasion and start burdening some of the load off Elinor’s shoulders. Anna performs very well in the delivery foreshadows that amount of deliveries she partakes in, and the eventual career path she takes with ahmed bey in oran. Further more, when a young orphaned girl is in desperate need of assistance to save her family mine, Anna jumps at the opportunity. She undertakes the dangerous task even though she dreads that it will leave her â€Å"dead in the dark like Sam†. Even In the presence of these fears she puts the needs of other before her own reservations. It is Anna’s Determination to over come her fear and apprehensions for the greater good of someone else that makes her â€Å"tempered and strong†and allows her release the shackles of her past at the end of the novel and start a new life in Oran. At a time when you were considered lucky to not be ravaged by disease, many would avoid contact with those affected, unlike Anna who was at the forefront helping. With the ever-smaller population of Eyam becoming smaller by the day, Anna realised that it was her duty to assist Elinor in give strength to the healthy, and to also bring solace and peace to those afflicted with the plague. She started becoming an established and capable caregiver even though her official role is as a servant. Through out the novel, Anna continued to help others in the town such as Mr. Mompellion in his duties as rector, Merry wick ford with the collection of led from her mine thus saving Merry’s claim, and also the with the adoption of the young Bradford baby, aisha. By adopting the her she becomes more independent and does not endorse the trends of other women during that time period and does not succumb to the prejudices of society. For Anna, surviving the plague was not enough, she states †Å"I was alive, and I was young, and I would go on until I found some reason for it†. With Anna’s willingness to help people during severely hard circumstances aided her in fulfilling her ambition to complete a â€Å"worthy life’s work†as a midwife on Oran. Although Anna’s persistence largely leads to her emancipation, her loss in faith is also attributed to her new life in Oran. Religion during the 1600s played a very significant role in how people thought, behaved and eventually how they tried to explain the cause of the plague. For many, including Anna, the plague was believed to be a punishment from god, sent to rid the earth of sin. When questioned, the town rector Mr. Mompellion could not explain why God had caused such devastation. Anna is seen to start to question her religious beliefs early in the novel when she says, â€Å"Why I wonder was god so much more prodigal with his creation†and â€Å"why should this good women (Maggie Cantwell) lie here, in such extremity, when a man like my father lived to waste his reason in drunkenness†. When Mr. Mompellion can’t explain the plague from a religious stance, many of the villagers look for other scape goats and turn to superstitions such as witch craft, an d hence the killing of Anys and near death of Mem. Anna does not succumb to the superstition and turns to a thought out explanation that â€Å"perhaps the plague was neither god nor the devil, but simply a thing of nature, as the stone on which we stub our toe†. This loss in faith of religious explanation allows her to find a reason to live purposely and let go of all her ties and memories with the rector. For the duration of â€Å"year of wonders†, Anna Frith demonstrates several strong and purpose driven characteristics that allowed for her to survive severely tough times and escape to her new life in oran. Anna was able to over come her fears, put peoples needs before her own and was able to let go of her religious beliefs which allowed her to move on with life and forget all elements of her past.
Friday, September 6, 2019
Toyota Strategy Essay Example for Free
Toyota Strategy Essay Seventy four years since its founding, Toyota Motor is almost at the pinnacle of the global auto industry, having overtaken Ford Motor and General Motors in vehicle sales. Toyota was established in 1937 in Japan. Toyota has grown from being a small Japanese carmaker in the 1960s to the biggest carmaker in 2007, outranking General Motors. The founding principles for this success were embodies by the â€Å"Toyota Way†– a respect for learning, truth, trust, team-work, challenge and continuous improvement. First time it introduced its product Corona in the US in 1965. By the 70’s, Toyota was the best-selling import brand in the US. During the 80’s, it started manufacturing vehicles in the US. In 2006, it had globally become the second largest car seller and third largest car sellers in the US having more than fifteen percent market share. It is estimated that by 2008 it is going to be the number one car producer and seller both in the US and across the world. This profound success of Toyota is associated with its most proficient market strategy. The case of Toyota notably proves that how important is market strategy in the life of a company to be a market leader. Toyota Company has so many successes in its production history. Toyota even in Japan and in worldwide is one of most important and successful multinational companies. One of the most important reasons for success of a company is its marketing strategy. In continue I will try to peruse Toyotas success reasons and good planning for achievement in international market around the world. The reasons for achievement of a company in international markets is belong to variety elements such as good production and assembly system, good strategy both in local and international markets, good planning and managing and so on. In practice this innovation means that line workers not only have the right, but are obliged to take the time which is necessary in order to carry out the tasks necessary to ensure the maintenance of the highest quality standards at each stage of production, even while production is taking place. Just-In-Time This system is a method of production programming involves a series of innovation in the production and the preparation of the work more generally in the logistics of production and in the management of the flows and stocks of intermediate and semi-finished goods. These innovations take together constitute a system of production with much reduced stocks, made possible a system of information processing unique and unprecedented in the history of work organization. Supply Chain Management Supply chain or value chain management is composed of the operational or tactical activities and can be defined as ‘managing the entire chain of raw material supply, manufacture, assembly and distribution to the end consumer (Jones 1989 cited in Lowson 2002). Christopher (1998) defines supply chain management as the management of upstream and downstream relationships with the suppliers and customers to deliver superior consumers value at less cost to the supply chain as a whole. Toyota has a great supply chain management. This system helps Toyota to deliver its needed parts to all around the world without any problem in least time, so we can say that this system has great role in success of Toyota corporation. Lean Manufacturing The goal of lean manufacturing is to create a manufacturing environment that is driven by demand and that holds only a small amount of inventory and product at any given time (Bacheldor 2004 cited in Ndahi 2006). Lean Manufacturing is a unified, comprehensive set of philosophies, rules, guidelines, tools, and techniques for improving and optimizing discrete processes. â€Å"Toyota Motor Corporations vehicle production system is a way of making things that is sometimes referred to as a lean manufacturing system or a Just-in-Time (JIT) system, and has come to be well known and studied worldwide. †3 The above reasons are just a summary of simple rules that helps Toyota to build its brand and market share in the world. But the most important reason that Toyota uses it for building its brand as a international brand is marketing strategy. Toyota as a Japanese company could operate good strategy for acting around the world. In continue I will try to write about Toyota’s international marketing strategy that helps Toyota to become today’s Toyota. Toyota International Marketing Strategies As it has from its humble beginnings in 1937, Toyota continues to win success by blending smart business with social, cultural and environmental awareness. Toyota’s marketing material and news releases consistently stress social awareness and responsibility as strongly as profitability to measure corporation’s success. For example, Toyota’s mission statement calls for â€Å"stable long-term growth, while striving for harmony with people, society and the environment,†while their website repeatedly describe their social contributions and efforts to be a â€Å"good corporate citizen†(Toyota website, 2005). This approach is key to Toyota’s global success from a marketing standpoint. Toyota has a special way for promoting its products. In fact Toyota with using its smart business tried to build its brand in so many countries. Unlike many other auto manufacturers, Toyota has gone beyond promoting the product itself in the creation of their brand. By extending manufacturing operations into their target markets, Toyota makes their brand socially and politically more acceptable. Americans can buy Toyotas and still â€Å"buy American. †Europeans can spend their Euros at home. 4 In fact Toyota makes its brand as a local brand in every country and by this work Toyota can find loyal customers. Toyota use one of principles of international marketing to build its brand and increase its market share. This strategy helps Toyota to have a good growth strategy in U. S. and Europe market. But beyond this strategy Toyota uses so many other factors to have successful international markets. Among others, three distinctive competencies of Toyota are remarkable. These distinctive competencies appeal the consumers, build trust with them, and make them satisfied. These competencies are as follows: Popular Economy Car Toyota is best known for ‘popular economy car’. It has successfully branded the concept of ‘popular economy car’, by producing cars matching to the concept. It has garnered its success by selling the concept to the consumer. It has also become profoundly successful in segmenting, targeting, and positioning. As a result, based on the pricing reports generated by over ten million visitors, out of top ten cars, three are Toyotas – Toyota Camry (No. 2), Toyota Corolla (No. 4), and Toyota Avalon (No. 8). (Kelly Blue Book, 2007) It produces eight varieties of cars. Among them, the prices for the four varieties cars range 10,000. 0 US $, three varieties range 15,000. 00 US $, and one variety ranges slightly over 20,000. 00 US $. Cutting-edge Technology Toyota simply did not stop to the concept of ‘popular economy car’. This concept could have easily turned into product maturity and decline. But Toyota continuously engaged in improving technology – design, looks, comfort, fuel efficiency, environmen tal friendliness, and other technical improvements. For example, Toyota Corolla was first introduced in Japan in 1966 and in the US in 1968 as a first generation Toyota Corolla. Since then roughly in every three years it is being developed and marketed in a new model. By 2006, tenth generation of Toyota Corolla was already launched with significant technological improvements. Toyota’s hybrid cars can be taken as another example. It started producing hybrid cars in 1995 however till 1999 Japan was 2 the only market for its hybrid cars. Coming to 2005, it became successful to capture a large chunk of US market. Today, it is selling almost seventy five percent of its hybrid cars alone in the US market. Low Operating Cost Why consumers purchase Toyota? The simple answer is that Toyota’s cars are distinctive with the properties of low operating cost. For example, a survey carried out by Toplin Strategy Group in 2007 has revealed that 73% of Prius owners had bought Toyota Prius because of financial incentive to purchase the vehicle such as lower sticker price or lower operating cost than other choices. (Marketing Green, 2007) Similarly, based on 45% highway driving and 55% city driving with annual 15,000 miles Toyota Prius has been proved to be the most fuel efficient car than any of its competitors such as Honda Civic Hybrid, Ford Escape Hybrid, and Lexus GS 450. Fuel Economy, 2008). Toyota enjoys much lower labor costs in the United States and benefits from an undervalued yen for cars made in Japan. In the United States, this comes to about $2500 per vehicle. The entry level and middle level market segments are very sensitive to price and vehicle durability. Toyota has been able to translate its cost advantage into vehicles with higher, more attractive content and longer life than General Motors. Toyota is constantly looking for ways to lower costs and improve products. It translates most of the additional profits it earns, over GM, into better product design and additional capacity. At GM, the Executives vote themselves bonuses and the union demands more benefits and featherbedding at the first sign of profits. From the perspective of marketing strategy, Toyota can be taken as a company that has successfully achieved its mission statement, successfully branded its distinctive competencies, and profoundly achieved its organizational objectives.
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